英语话题王: What are some skills you learned in school that you still use today?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • If you had to choose between emotional pain or physical pain, which one would you choose?
  • How well do you think the mind can understand itself?
  • Did you watch much TV when you were a child? (How much?)
  • What actions in your life will have the longest reaching consequences?
  • What is your favorite memory from childhood?
  • Are you a talkative person?
  • Do you have leadership qualities? What are those or why not?
  • Do you have a favorite genre of music? If so, what is it?

Main Topics

  • What skills do you believe should be emphasized in modern-day education?
  • What are some skills you learned in school that you still use today?
  • How did school prepare you for your current or future career?
  • Can you think of a particular teacher who taught you a valuable life skill?
  • How do different educational systems around the world prioritize and teach different skills?
  • What are some skills you wish you had learned in school that could have been helpful in your life?
  • Can you share an example of a skill you learned in school that you didn't appreciate at the time but now value?
  • How do extracurricular activities and clubs in school help develop important skills outside the classroom?

Free Topics

  • When was the last time you said someone you love them?
  • What flaws in human nature hold humanity back?
  • Do you plan your day? Why/why not? How?
  • How long will you be remembered after you die?
  • What is one thing you are currently excited about?
  • How would you describe your friends?
  • How do you think we can address the issue of fake news and misinformation?
  • What is the most meaningful or valuable thing you own?
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