英语话题王: How can accepting oneself lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in life?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What kinds of things make you the most upset?
  • What public holidays do you have in your country?
  • How much age difference can there be in a romantic relationship?
  • Do you prefer summer or winter? Why?
  • How could we improve Langclub?
  • What would you tell your children about beauty?
  • What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  • Is free will real or just an illusion?

Main Topics

  • Can you identify something you wish you could change about yourself, and why?
  • How has the desire to change impacted your self-esteem or mental health?
  • How can accepting oneself lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in life?
  • Can you think of a time when embracing a perceived flaw actually had a positive impact on your life or relationships?
  • What are some self-care practices that can help promote self-acceptance and self-love?
  • Can accepting oneself be a process, or is it an all-or-nothing approach?
  • What bad habit would you like to overcome? How will you do it?
  • Is there a good habit you'd like to pick up? What is it?

Free Topics

  • What makes you happy?
  • How do you confront someone if they are making you uncomfortable?
  • Do you agree that we should set low expectations because high hopes = high disappointment?
  • What is your favorite type of cuisine and why?
  • Do you like playing video games? Can you name some?
  • How long should you wait before telling your crush that you like them?
  • What is one thing you would like to change about the world?
  • What do you think your future self will remember about you now?
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