比如layout/main.html 中这样写着,
include 'layout/header.html',
include 'layout/footer.html'
2篇 jinja2 related articles
比如layout/main.html 中这样写着,
include 'layout/header.html',
include 'layout/footer.html'
原文是Call a python function from jinja2, 原文中点赞数量最高的并不是完美的答案,我采用的下面的方案。
Variables can easily be created:
def example():
return dict(myexample='This is an example')
The above can be used in a Jinja2 template with Flask like so:
{{ myexample }}
(Which outputs This is an example)
As well as full fledged functions:
def utility_processor():
def format_price(amount, currency=u'€'):
return u'{0:.2f}{1}'.format(amount, currency)
return dict(format_price=format_price)
The above when used like so:
{{ format_price(0.33) }}
(Which outputs the input price with the currency symbol)
Alternatively, you can use jinja filters, baked into Flask. E.g. using decorators:
def reverse_filter(s):
return s[::-1]
Or, without decorators, and manually registering the function:
def reverse_filter(s):
return s[::-1]
app.jinja_env.filters['reverse'] = reverse_filter
Filters applied with the above two methods can be used like this:
{% for x in mylist | reverse %}
{% endfor %}