278篇 Default中的文章

How to understand sink in swift Combine

Understanding Sink in Swift Combine

Sink is an operator in Swift Combine that allows you to subscribe to a Publisher and perform actions on the emitted elements. It is typically used at the end of a publisher chain to handle the publication's data.


func sink(
    receiveCompletion: (Subscribers.Completion<Output>) -> Void,
    receiveValue: (Output) -> Void
) -> AnyCancellable
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电线规格中的“平方”指的是导体的横截面积,通常以平方毫米 (mm²) 为单位。



  • 电流容量: 电线的横截面积直接影响其电流容量。导体横截面积越大,其电阻越低,可以承载的电流越多。
  • 电压降: 较大的横截面积可以降低电线中的电压降。当电流流过电线时,会产生电压降。横截面积越大,电压降越小。
  • 发热: 由于电阻较低,较大横截面积的电线产生的热量较少。
  • 安全: 较大的横截面积可以提供更好的绝缘,并降低电线过热或引起火灾的风险。


  • AWG 12(美国线规):横截面积为 3.31 mm²
  • AWG 14:横截面积为 2.08 mm²
  • AWG 16:横截面积为 1.31 mm²


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how to update pod image in Kubernetes

Method 1: Edit Deployment

  1. Find the deployment you want to update:

    kubectl get deployments
  2. Edit the deployment with the updated image:

    kubectl edit deployment <deployment-name>
  3. In the YAML file, update the image field under the spec.template.spec.containers section with the new image. For example:

      - name: my-app
        image: my-app:latest
  4. Save and exit the YAML file.

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Monitor a website with curl command

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! In this blog post, we'll embark on a journey to create a robust website monitoring system using the Bash shell. We'll dive into the intricacies of checking website availability, handling timeouts, and sending notifications via curl when things go awry.

  1. Laying the Foundation:

    Begin by opening your favorite terminal emulator and creating a new Bash script file. We'll call it "website_monitor.sh." This script will serve as the brain of our monitoring system.

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Kubernetes中Service Account的作用是什么

Kubernetes中Service Account的作用是什么

Kubernetes中的Service Account是一个用于访问集群API服务器的虚拟帐户,它允许应用程序和服务在没有访问集群证书或令牌的情况下进行认证和授权。Service Account的作用主要包括:

1. 身份验证(Authentication)

Service Account在创建时会自动生成一个私钥和公钥对,私钥存储在Service Account的Secret中,公钥则存储在Service Account的YAML文件中。当一个Pod或服务尝试访问集群API服务器时,它使用Service Account的私钥来生成一个签名(signature),该签名与Service Account的公钥一起发送给集群API服务器。集群API服务器验证签名后,如果签名有效,则允许Pod或服务访问集群API服务器。

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适用于 MicroK8s 版本 1.23 或更高版本

MicroK8s 1.23 及更高版本为每个镜像注册表使用单独的 hosts.toml 文件。对于 docker.io,可以在 /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/certs.d/docker.io/hosts.toml 中找到它。


# /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/certs.d/docker.io/hosts.toml
server = "https://my.registry.internal:5000"

capabilities = ["pull", "resolve"]

然后,重新启动 MicroK8s:

microk8s stop
microk8s start
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Update prometheus version in microk8s

Shows prometheus-community helm repo was already present.

microk8s helm3 repo list

Update chart repo

microk8s helm3 repo update

Search kube-prometheus-stack version

microk8s helm3 search repo prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Update kube-prometheus-stack with specific version

microk8s helm3 upgrade -n observability kube-prom-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version 55.7.0 --install
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