What are the operators for publishers in Swift Combine

In Swift's Combine framework, operators are used to process and transform the values emitted by publishers. Here are some of the key operators you can use with publishers in Combine:

Basic Operators

  1. sink(receiveCompletion:receiveValue:): Subscribes to a publisher and provides closures to handle completion and value events.

    publisher.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
        // Handle completion
    }, receiveValue: { value in
        // Handle new value
  2. assign(to:on:): Assigns each value from a publisher to a property on an object.

    publisher.assign(to: \.property, on: object)

Transforming Operators

  1. map(_:): Transforms all elements from the upstream publisher with a provided closure.

    publisher.map { value in
        // Transform value
  2. compactMap(_:): Similar to map, but removes nil values.

    publisher.compactMap { value in
        // Transform value, return nil if value should be removed
  3. flatMap(maxPublishers:_: ): Transforms elements into a new publisher.

    publisher.flatMap { value in
        // Return a new publisher based on the value

Filtering Operators

  1. filter(_:): Emits only those elements that pass a given predicate.

    publisher.filter { value in
        // Return true if value should be included
  2. removeDuplicates(): Suppresses duplicate elements.

  3. first(where:): Publishes the first element that satisfies the predicate, then finishes.

    publisher.first { value in
        // Return true if value satisfies the predicate

Combining Operators

  1. combineLatest(_:): Combines the latest value from the publisher with another publisher.

  2. merge(with:): Merges elements from multiple publishers into a single stream.

    publisher.merge(with: otherPublisher)
  3. zip(_:): Combines elements from this publisher with those from another publisher.


Sequence Operators

  1. collect(_:): Collects a specified number of elements, and then publishes them as an array.

  2. reduce(_: _:): Applies a closure that accumulates each element of a publisher.

    publisher.reduce(0) { accumulated, value in
        // Combine accumulated value and new value

Timing Operators

  1. debounce(for:scheduler:): Publishes elements only after a specified time interval elapses between events.

    publisher.debounce(for: .seconds(1), scheduler: RunLoop.main)
  2. delay(for:tolerance:scheduler:): Delays delivery of all output to the downstream receiver by a specified amount of time.

    publisher.delay(for: .seconds(1), scheduler: RunLoop.main)
  3. throttle(for:scheduler:latest:): Publishes either the most-recent or the first element received during the specified interval.

    publisher.throttle(for: .seconds(1), scheduler: RunLoop.main, latest: true)

Error Handling Operators

  1. catch(_:): Replaces an error with another publisher.

    publisher.catch { error in
        // Return a new publisher to replace the error
  2. retry(_:): Attempts to recreate the subscription to the upstream publisher if an error occurs.


These operators allow you to manipulate and control the flow of data through your Combine pipelines, providing a powerful way to handle asynchronous events in Swift.