Ice Breaking Topics
- How do you think technology will impact the future of business?
- If you could have any type of food or drink named after you, what would it be and what would it taste like?
- What's something you wish you enjoyed but never can seem to?
- What are some of the most memorable or impactful school projects or assignments you've completed, and why did they leave such an impression?
- Would you rent or own a house?
- Are families getting larger or smaller in your society? Why?
- What is something that makes you happy?
- If you had to choose one place to live for the rest of your life, where would it be and why?
Main Topics
- What can be done to solve the global homelessness problem?
- Is homelessness a big problem in your city or country?
- What government programs are set up in your country to help people experiencing homelessness?
- Do you ever give money or make a donation to someone who is begging on the street?
- Why do rich countries such as the United States seem to have such a large homelessness problem?
- How can local communities empower their residents?
- Do government social programs, such as welfare, ultimately help or harm communities?
- What problem facing your community would you wish to change?
Free Topics
- What are some reliable sources of news and information that you trust, and why do you consider them reliable?
- How do you think we can promote greater environmental sustainability?
- How have your family's cooking traditions been passed down through generations, and what role do they play in your life today?
- Who has had the most positive impact on your life?
- Where did your family go on vacations in the summer? (current or past summers)
- If you could replace your fingers with any five objects, what would they be and why?
- What's the most interesting place you've ever been to?
- What is the most memorable or impactful speech or presentation you've ever heard?