785篇 TOEFL related articles

English Topics: Can creativity be taught, or is it an inherent talent?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • How do you handle the fear of failure or disappointment when pursuing your goals?
  • Are you a tidy or a messy person?
  • Are you an agreeable person or disagreeable?
  • If you could host a dinner party with five guests from any time period, who would you invite and why?
  • What was the first film that you watched?
  • Do you think it's important for people to have leisure time?
  • What question do you most hate being asked?
  • What do you think will be the future of television?
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English Topics: What do you think about the idea of colonizing Mars?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What is the biggest challenge facing businesses today and why?
  • What are your top three personal values and why are they important to you?
  • How far does a mistake follow you?
  • How has technology changed in the past?
  • How much TV do you (usually) watch?
  • Are you more productive at night or in the morning?
  • What do you attribute the biggest successes in your life to? How about your biggest failures?
  • What’s the strangest situation you've ever found yourself in?
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English Topics: What are the benefits of experiencing new cultures?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What have you started that you didn't finish? Why?
  • Which season is your favourite?
  • Do you ever buy used clothes?
  • Do you have a big family?
  • What is your favorite quote and why?
  • Would you consider buying an electric car even if it cost more than a petrol car?
  • What is your favorite type of exercise?
  • If you could have any famous author as a mentor, who would it be and why?
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English Topics: The Meaning of Success

Ice Breaking Topics

  • Do you think you are independent? How and in what respects?
  • What do you like doing most with your friend/s?
  • What is your favorite type of art?
  • What is your favorite time of the day?
  • What is your favourite memory from the past?
  • What does it mean to truly forgive someone?
  • If you could have any type of food or drink named after you, what would it be and what would it taste like?
  • When do you decide to break off a friendship?
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English Topics: Is it important to follow a strict diet to be healthy?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What is the most difficult decision you've ever had to make?
  • What are you most afraid of?
  • Do you have a favorite genre of music? If so, what is it?
  • What time do you usually go to sleep? What time do you usually get up?
  • Who is the one person you can always count on?
  • What would be the most bizarre theme for a restaurant?
  • How do you focus on important things when other things constantly demand your attention?
  • If you could have any famous philosopher as a mentor, who would it be and why?
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English Topics: What do you think about the 4-day workweek?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What are the 3 important pillars of any successful relationship?
  • Do you have any phobias?
  • What’s your favorite type of drink, and why do you enjoy it?
  • How do you think schools can better support students in their pursuit of higher education or career preparation?
  • What is your favorite type of flower and why?
  • What technology that is outdated do you still use?
  • What's the most significant lesson you've learned from a past relationship or friendship?
  • What’s the best thing that’s happened to you recently?
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English Topics: How important is recycling in protecting the planet?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • When is lying acceptable?
  • What’s something that you're passionate about or really interested in learning more about?
  • When did you last change your mind about something important?
  • If you have a fight with someone, who apologizes first?
  • Do you have any recurring dreams? If so, what do you think they are trying to tell you?
  • If you could only use one condiment for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
  • What aspects do you dislike about your culture? Is there anything you'd like to change?
  • Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?
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English Topics: What are your life goals, and how do they make you happy?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • Do you believe in the law of attraction?
  • Have you ever worked in a restaurant?
  • Do you prefer tea or coffee? Why?
  • What's one thing you've learned from a failure or setback in your life?
  • In what field do you work / study?
  • What is your favorite book from your childhood and why?
  • Do you think it’s important to keep in contact with friends you knew as a child? [Why/Why not?]
  • What's the most interesting or unique item you've ever collected?
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English Topics: Do you think robots can develop emotions?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What was the last film that you watched?
  • Can you tell me about a time when you were really angry?
  • What is freedom according to you?
  • How have your tastes changed as you've grown older?
  • If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would do with the money?
  • If you could instantly learn any language, which one would you choose and why?
  • How do you feel that you best offer love and support to your friends?
  • What's your favorite thing about your job, and why?
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English Topics: The Nature of Reality

Ice Breaking Topics

  • Do you consider yourself to be healthy?
  • How athletic were you as a kid?
  • Would you rather see a ghost or an alien?
  • What are your bucket list travel destinations?
  • Do you think aliens have visited Earth?
  • How do people in your country spend their holidays?
  • If you have bad memories attached with a place should/would you visit that place again?
  • What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
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