English Topics: What is the most memorable cultural experience you've had?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • How has your cultural background influenced your relationship with food and cooking?
  • Think of the best teacher you've ever had. What did they teach, and what made them so special?
  • If you could do whatever you want for a day, what would you do?
  • Who is the most interesting person you've met and talked with?
  • Do you think life is too fast-paced today?
  • Do you like to make jokes? What kind?
  • Who is your professional role model?
  • What would you do if you could see into the future, but you couldn't change anything that you saw?

Main Topics

  • What are some of your fondest childhood memories?
  • What is the most memorable trip you've ever taken?
  • What is your favorite memory from a special occasion or holiday?
  • What is the most significant accomplishment you've achieved, and what memories stand out from that experience?
  • What is the most memorable cultural experience you've had?
  • What is the funniest memory you have?
  • What is the most memorable gift you've received or given?
  • What is the most memorable act of kindness you've received or witnessed?

Free Topics

  • Do you believe in the power of luck?
  • Does homework play an important role in education?
  • Are you a sensitive or a tough person?
  • Did you have a lot of homework when you were at school?
  • What's the funniest prank you've ever played on someone or had played on you?
  • What changes are you willing to make for your spouse/partner?
  • What would you consider to be your personal values?
  • How do you think we can promote greater gender equality in the workplace?
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