English Topics: What advice would you give someone looking to improve their …

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What’s the best thing about being an adult?
  • If you could witness any event in history, what would it be and why?
  • What are some of your favorite food-related books, movies, or documentaries that have inspired your culinary interests and passions?
  • What are your best tips for acing an interview?
  • How does your culture influence your understanding of the world?
  • What's the coolest project you've ever worked on?
  • What small thing annoys you to an irrational degree?
  • Do you like to swim? If so, where is your favorite place to swim?

Main Topics

  • What time management techniques do you find most effective for organizing your day?
  • How do you prioritize tasks when you have multiple deadlines approaching?
  • Have you ever struggled with procrastination? What strategies helped you overcome it?
  • How do you balance work, personal life, and leisure activities through effective time management?
  • Do you use any tools or apps to help manage your time and stay organized? Which ones and why?
  • What’s your approach to handling unexpected interruptions or urgent tasks?
  • How do you set and achieve long-term goals through daily time management practices?
  • What advice would you give someone looking to improve their time management skills?

Free Topics

  • What is the most interesting thing you've done this week?
  • What are your thoughts on the impact of globalization on different cultures?
  • What television programs are popular in your country?
  • Do you think sports are important?
  • If you could meet meet someone from the future, what would you ask them?
  • What are some challenges your family has faced, and how have you overcome them together?
  • If you were granted 3 wishes what would they be?
  • What is your favorite animal and why?
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