English Topics: How is technology changing the way we talk and make friends?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What's a healthy amount of time to grieve over a broken relationship?
  • What is your favorite form of art, and why?
  • If you could have a bottomless supply of any type of candy, what would it be?
  • If you could live in any literary world, which would it be and why?
  • What is something you would like to accomplish in the next year?
  • Have you ever met a celebrity?
  • Do you have a favorite piece of clothing or accessory?
  • When do you usually take your breakfast?

Main Topics

  • How is technology changing the way we talk and make friends?
  • What are the good and bad sides of new technologies like AI and gene editing?
  • How can we make sure everyone has access to technology, regardless of their income?
  • What effects does social media have on our feelings and how we build communities?
  • How can technology help solve environmental problems and support a sustainable future?
  • What are the benefits and dangers of governments and companies collecting our data?
  • How is technology transforming education and the workplace?
  • What role should governments play in controlling technology to keep people safe and ensure fair competition?

Free Topics

  • What things in life excite you?
  • What is your favorite type of architecture or design style?
  • What is your perspective on the concept of 'honor'?
  • Are there any causes or charities that you feel particularly passionate about supporting?
  • What's the best gift you've ever received?
  • How are you consciously practicing sustainability?
  • What is the most important value or principle that guides your life?
  • Do you like reading biographies of people? Why/why not