Ice Breaking Topics
- How should you greet people politely in your country?
- What is considered cheating in a relationship?
- What's the most important lesson you've learned from a personal challenge or struggle?
- Do you think you can create your own destiny?
- What are some core principles you have that you'll never give up or change?
- Have you ever snuck out of the house?
- How do you perceive the concept of 'introspection'?
- What advice would you give to women?
Main Topics
- Are you a competitive person by nature?
- How well do you deal with defeat?
- Is competition between companies always a good thing?
- Have you ever participated in a competition? What was it?
- What makes someone "poor loser"?
- What is the last big achievement you reached?
- How do you personally define success?
- Would you encourage your children to be competitive?
Free Topics
- How do you maintain a sense of perspective and gratitude, even when faced with failure or disappointment?
- Do you like your birthdays?
- How do you think we can promote greater cultural exchange and understanding?
- Does being born in a rich family mean you are spoiled?
- When was the last time you tried something new? What was it? Did you enjoy it?
- What would it take for you to move to another country?
- What gives you hope for the future?
- What grosses you out the most?