English Topics: Do you think smartphone addiction is a real thing?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What people in your life make you the happiest? Do you spend much time with them?
  • What is a place you've always wanted to visit, but haven't had the chance to yet?
  • Do you prefer relaxing or having an adventure on your holiday?
  • How do you think our perceptions of ourselves can influence our reality and experiences?
  • If seasons never changed, which would you most like to live in eternally?
  • What's your most used emoji?
  • What is your favorite local dish or food from your hometown?
  • Do you believe people can hurt you only if you let them?

Main Topics

  • How many hours per day are you using an electronic device?
  • Do you think smartphone addiction is a real thing?
  • Could you live without your phone or computer for one month?
  • What is your favorite app or digital tool?
  • How well would you cope if the Internet suddenly disappeared?
  • Have you ever taken a digital detox? What do you think are the benefits of this?
  • Overall, is the Internet a positive or negative for humanity?
  • What are the biggest downsides of the "digital revolution"?

Free Topics

  • How do you think the concept of "slow travel" can enhance one's experiences and connections with the places they visit?
  • What are your thoughts on the use of renewable energy sources?
  • In your experience is it correct that ‘Blood is thicker than water’ (family relationships are the most important)?
  • How do you think your personal definition of success has evolved over time, and what factors have influenced that evolution?
  • What is the significance of 'nature' in our lives?
  • What Is the most important thing you've lost?
  • What is your favorite way to make new friends or meet new people?
  • Who is your favourite Disney princess?