1篇 flock related articles

Linux 命令:flock - 对打开的文件加锁或解锁

先来看看flock -h 的用法:

 flock [options] <file|directory> <command> [command args]
 flock [options] <file|directory> -c <command>
 flock [options] <file descriptor number>

 -s  --shared             get a shared lock
 -x  --exclusive          get an exclusive lock (default)
 -u  --unlock             remove a lock
 -n  --nonblock           fail rather than wait
 -w  --timeout <secs>     wait for a limited amount of time
 -E  --conflict-exit-code <number>  exit code after conflict or timeout
 -o  --close              close file descriptor before running command
 -c  --command <command>  run a single command string through the shell

 -h, --help     display this help and exit
 -V, --version  output version information and exit

For more details see flock(1).
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