2249 articles

English Topics: What is the laziest thing you have ever done?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What's one fashion trend you wish would make a comeback?
  • Do you prefer to ‘dress up’ or ‘dress down’ in public?
  • What is something you hate that most people love?
  • How has your family supported or encouraged your personal growth and development?
  • What’s your favorite type of cuisine to cook, and what’s your go-to recipe?
  • What’s your favorite time of day?
  • What is your favorite holiday and why?
  • How do you and your family celebrate holidays or special occasions?
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English Topics: What secrets do you think your pet would spill about you, if…

Ice Breaking Topics

  • Do you think luck is random natural occurrences or celestial beings in heaven doing something magical?
  • When do you decide to break off a friendship?
  • If animals could talk, which species would have the most interesting things to say?
  • What is your biggest fear, and why?
  • What are some of the most important qualities or traits you believe are essential for achieving personal success and fulfillment?
  • Are you a spender or a saver?
  • What is your favorite way to spend a weekend or a day off?
  • Is not telling the full story a form of dishonesty?
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English Topics: Do we inevitably become like our parents?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
  • What is the worst advice you have ever heard?
  • Do you have any hidden talents?
  • If you could live in any fictional world, which one would you choose?
  • What's your favorite holiday?
  • Have you ever been backpacking?
  • When is the last time you went shopping?
  • Do you like to camp? If so, where is your favorite place to camp?
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English Topics: Do you watch any cooking shows?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What is your favorite type of wine?
  • How would you describe your personality?
  • Do language barriers ever pose a problem when you travel?
  • Are you a quiet or a loud person?
  • If you could have any type of magical power, what would it be and why?
  • What role do you think schools should play in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability among students?
  • If you could travel to a different climate during one specific season, where would you go and during which season?
  • What's the coolest project you've ever worked on?
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English Topics: Should rich countries be forced to financially support globa…

Ice Breaking Topics

  • How important is time to you?
  • What is your favorite way to enjoy nature during each season?
  • How do you perceive the concept of 'change'?
  • What software do you use the most?
  • When was the last time you used English outside of this class?
  • What is the most bizarre dream you can remember having?
  • If you could meet any successful business person, who would it be and what would you ask them?
  • In what way do you differ most from your parents?
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English Topics: Do you like art? What kind?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What is your favorite thing about your hometown or country?
  • If you could have any type of vehicle, what would it be and why?
  • Are you a predictable person?
  • What qualities or traits do you admire most in your family members?
  • What are your thoughts on the concept of nature versus nurture?
  • When someone is feeling stressed, what are 3 suggestions you'd share with them?
  • Have you ever walked out of a movie? Why?
  • What sorts of food do you like eating most? [Why?]
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English Topics: What are some productivity tips you know?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What would you do differently if there were 18 hours in a day?
  • What do you think is the greatest problem facing humanity today?
  • Do you have clothes in your closet that you’ve never worn?
  • How important is self-reflection in personal growth?
  • Do you have any phobias?
  • What is your favorite meal of the day?
  • Do you like to swim? If so, where is your favorite place to swim?
  • What topics of conversation do you enjoy most?
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English Topics: What traits make somebody good at business?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • If you could meet any musician or singer, who would it be and what would you ask them?
  • What is something you've always wanted to learn but never had the opportunity to?
  • What role does 'humor' play in your life?
  • Do you believe money can or can't buy happiness?
  • What is the best book you have ever read and why?
  • What is your favorite type of exercise or physical activity?
  • How do you practice your english pronunciation?
  • What is the best piece of business advice you've ever received?
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English Topics: What is the best city you've ever visited?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What role does gratitude play in your life?
  • What do people think when they first meet you?
  • What is your favorite type of bread?
  • Do you enjoy playing cards? Do you have a favorite card game?
  • Do you have any inherent talents?
  • What is the most memorable vacation you've ever taken?
  • What is your favorite type of movie or TV show?
  • Which person in your life has motivated you the most?
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English Topics: What are some ethical dilemmas you have faced?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • Who, according to you is the most underrated person in history?
  • What is one quality you would not want in your partner?
  • What is your favorite way to relax after a long day?
  • What is your perspective on social justice?
  • How often do you exercise? What exercise do you do?
  • Who apologises first if you have a fight with someone?
  • Have you ever tried any adventure sports?
  • Do you have a favorite genre of music? If so, what is it?
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