English Topics: What’s your favorite genre of music?

Ice Breaking Topics

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Main Topics

  • What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
  • Do you have a favorite song you never get tired of?
  • What’s your favorite genre of music?
  • Who would you love to see live in concert?
  • Do you enjoy listening to music while working or studying?
  • What song brings back the best memories for you?
  • Do you prefer albums or playlists?
  • What’s a song you’d consider a guilty pleasure?

Free Topics

  • Are families less important nowadays than in the past?
  • What is your favorite way to explore new ideas or challenge your beliefs?
  • How do you think the study of ancient mythologies teaches us to understand the world?
  • How do you balance the desire to explore new places with the need for familiarity and comfort when traveling?
  • What is the nature of time, and does it really exist?
  • What is your opinion on the use of drugs and alcohol?
  • Do you love yourself? Why?
  • Which is better? Having more friends or having closer friends?
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