English Topics: What do you enjoy most about your favorite season?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What is the most bizarre dream you can remember having?
  • What would you do if you could control the weather?
  • How do you and your family celebrate holidays or special occasions?
  • If you could start your own business, what would it be and why?
  • What are the characteristics of a toxic person? Have you met any?
  • What is your favorite song and why?
  • How important is the pursuit of truth in your life?
  • In what ways do you benefit the world?

Main Topics

  • What do you enjoy most about your favorite season?
  • How does the weather affect your mood and daily activities?
  • Which season offers the best opportunities for travel and outdoor activities? Why?
  • Do you prefer summer fashion or winter fashion? Why?
  • How do your energy levels change between summer and winter?
  • What is one challenge you face in the season you like the least?
  • How do cultural or regional factors influence people’s seasonal preferences?
  • If you could live in a place with only one season, which would it be and why?

Free Topics

  • What's the most interesting or unique family tradition you have?
  • What are your thoughts on the impact of artificial intelligence on education?
  • What are your views on the concept of 'mind over matter'?
  • What are your thoughts on the ethics of animal testing?
  • Who's your closest friend and why?
  • What's your favorite book or movie? Why?
  • What was the hardest exam you ever had to take?
  • How do you think schools can better support students with learning differences or disabilities?
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