English Topics: What are some unique or interesting business ideas you know …

Ice Breaking Topics

  • Is it better for a person to have a broad knowledge base or a deep knowledge base?
  • If you could be an expert in any useless skill, what would it be?
  • What is your favorite type of outdoor activity?
  • What would you do if you woke up one day with the ability to talk to animals?
  • When was the last time you had a really, really interesting conversation?
  • If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
  • Does the study of philosophy ever lead to answers or simply more questions?
  • What is one thing you are proud of accomplishing in your life so far?

Main Topics

  • Does your country have a lot of entrepreneurs? Why do you think so?
  • Who are some famous entrepreneurs or inventors you can think of?
  • What types of businesses are most profitable in your country?
  • What traits make somebody good at business?
  • Is it necessary to go to university in order to run a successful business?
  • Nowadays, more people are quitting their jobs to work for themselves. What do you think about this?
  • What are your opinions about working online? What are the pros and cons?
  • What are some unique or interesting business ideas you know about?

Free Topics

  • What is the most important goal every person should have?
  • What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?
  • Can we ever truly know another person's thoughts or feelings?
  • What are your thoughts on the role of art in social justice movements?
  • Do you like crafts? If so what types of craft do you like?
  • Do you have any hidden talents? Tell us about it.
  • By what standards do you judge yourself?
  • What is your opinion on the importance of diversity in the workplace?
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