English Topics: The Concept of Justice

Ice Breaking Topics

  • If you could master any type of dance, which one would you choose and why?
  • What is one thing you've always wanted to try but haven't yet?
  • Does the study of philosophy ever lead to answers or simply more questions?
  • What's the most ridiculous thing that could become the next Olympic sport?
  • What is your least favorite season?
  • Do you have someone who you say you like but secretly hate?
  • What aspects do you like about your culture?
  • Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond?

Main Topics

  • How do different cultures define justice?
  • Is justice always fair? Why or why not?
  • How do systems of justice balance punishment and rehabilitation?
  • Can true justice ever be achieved in society?

Free Topics

  • You have to save the world tomorrow, who’s in your team?
  • If you could have any fictional character as a best friend, who would you choose and why?
  • By what standards do you judge yourself?
  • What is the best way to watch television: On a television set, computer, tablet or phone?
  • If you could visit any planet in the solar system, which one would you choose and why?
  • How long do you think love lasts?
  • Do you have a favorite type of exercise or physical activity?
  • What is the best way for a person to attain happiness?
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