Ice Breaking Topics
- Is it better to work in a large or small company?
- What’s something that you're passionate about or really interested in learning more about?
- What role do you think schools should play in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability among students?
- If you could have any vehicle, what would it be?
- What is your biggest fear when it comes to achieving your goals or dreams?
- How do you think your personal values and beliefs influence your motivations and goals?
- Do you know anyone who has been successful in their careers without a proper education?
- If you could have any superpower, but it had to be silly or useless, what would you choose?
Main Topics
- What did you dream of being when you were a child? Have you managed to achieve any of your dreams?
- Do you know anyone who followed their childhood dreams?
- What is your dream job? What does it take to get this job?
- If you could life anywhere and do anything, what would you be doing?
- Has a long-term dream ever turned out to be a disappointment?
- Is it possible to maintain your childhood hopes and dreams into adulthood?
- Should people choose a job for money or for happiness?
- How would you motivate another to achieve his or her dream?
Free Topics
- Do you prefer to work for yourself or to work for other people?
- What small, insignificant thing gives you joy?
- Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
- How do you navigate the balance between self-care and caring for others?
- What are some of the most memorable or unique culinary experiences you've had while traveling?
- What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
- Is there a song/movie/food/etc. that strongly reminds you of someone whenever you experience it?
- What are your thoughts on the role of religion in society?