English Topics: How does having a morning routine impact one’s day?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What’s the most interesting or unique piece of clothing you own, and where did you get it?
  • Do you have a favorite poem or piece of literature?
  • Do you often find yourself in arguments? Who with?
  • If you could erase a musical genre, which would it be?
  • What would you tell your children about beauty?
  • What does beauty mean to you, and how do you define it?
  • What is something you're passionate about?
  • What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited?

Main Topics

  • How does having a morning routine impact one’s day?
  • What are the benefits of planning your day versus being spontaneous?
  • How can technology help in managing daily tasks and schedules?
  • What are some effective ways to manage stress in a busy life?
  • How does the physical environment affect one's productivity and habits?
  • What are the benefits of having a regular exercise routine?
  • How important is sleep in maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
  • What role does diet play in personal well-being and energy levels?

Free Topics

  • How do you think we can promote greater empathy and understanding between people with different backgrounds and experiences?
  • How do you stay connected to your cultural heritage or family traditions?
  • How would you want your children’s childhoods to be different from your own?
  • What would you do differently if there were 30 hours in a day?
  • What is the relationship between the mind and the body?
  • How do you practice self-reflection and personal growth?
  • Is there such a thing as free will, or are we all determined by factors beyond our control?
  • How do you stay inspired and creative in your everyday life?