Ice Breaking Topics
- How often do you watch movies in English?
- Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? [Which one?]
- Do you consider yourself to be easily distracted?
- What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
- What are your thoughts on the idea of living a "meaningful" life, and how do you define it?
- What is something you're passionate about?
- What causes conflict?
- How important is dancing in your culture?
Main Topics
- How has technology changed the way sports are played and watched?
- What role do performance-enhancing gadgets play in athletes’ training?
- How do instant replay and VAR technology affect sports fairness?
- What are the benefits of wearable technology in sports?
- How has streaming technology influenced sports viewership?
- Do you think technology has made sports more accessible to fans? Why or why not?
- What challenges do sports organizations face with the integration of technology?
- How do you see the future of sports evolving with new technologies?
Free Topics
- What was the last thing that you did for fun?
- If you were God for a day, how would you change the world?
- Have you ever invented something? It doesn't have to be a traditional product either, it can be creating a new dish, coining a term.
- Have you ever been in a car accident?
- What is the kindest thing a stranger has done for you?
- How do you think we can improve healthcare accessibility and affordability?
- Have you ever traveled alone? If so, what was that experience like?
- What is the most bizarre dream you've ever had?