English Topics: Have you ever forgotten an important date or event?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • What's the most interesting place you've ever visited?
  • What are some of your bucket list items?
  • Would you rather never have to eat again or never have to sleep again?
  • Do you know the history of your family well? How far back can you trace your roots?
  • What is the grossest thing you have seen in your life?
  • When is the last time you couldn't stop laughing?
  • How do you perceive the concept of 'wisdom'?
  • What is your favorite type of seafood?

Main Topics

  • Why do people procrastinate?
  • Can procrastination be good?
  • What's the difference between patience and procrastination?
  • How can people learn to be more patient?
  • Do you ever forget to do things on time?
  • Do you want to accomplish many things in your life or do you want to take it easy?
  • Have you ever forgotten an important date or event?
  • Do you know anyone who is always late?

Free Topics

  • What is the relationship between mind and reality?
  • Would you rather be able to turn invisible but only when you're singing loudly or be able to fly but only in a constant state of sneezing?
  • If you could give all humans one additional body part, what would it be and why?
  • What goals have you set and achieved in the past?
  • Which country do you think has the similar mindset, people and culture to yours?
  • How do you think the political landscape in your country has changed over the past decade, and what factors have contributed to these changes?
  • Do you use English for your job?
  • What is one thing you regret doing or not doing?