Ice Breaking Topics
- Do you think you have a pretty good work-life balance? Why or why not?
- If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would you choose and why?
- Is your name common or unusual in your country?
- What cliché do you think holds truth?
- What do you get the most compliments about?
- Do you think luck is random natural occurrences or celestial beings in heaven doing something magical?
- Which author's writing style do you admire the most and why?
- What is your favorite piece of technology, and why?
Main Topics
- Do you think it is easy or difficult to make new friends?
- Do you think that there is a "loneliness epidemic"?
- Why do adults find it harder to make new friends than children?
- How can we meet new people in our daily lives?
- Who is the friend you've known for the longest?
- Are you still in touch with your childhood best friend?
- Have you ever reconnected with a lost friend?
- Who is your best friend? How did you meet them?
Free Topics
- How do you define success in life?
- If you could add a rule to any sport, what would it be?
- What is one thing in life that you have put most effort for?
- What was your favorite class at school?
- Do you recharge by being around other people or by spending time alone?
- What are the things you and best friend argue about?
- How do your family's communication styles differ, and how do you navigate those differences?
- What is one simple pleasure you enjoy in your daily life?