English Topics: Are you a tidy person?

Ice Breaking Topics

  • Which is better? Intelligence or knowledge?
  • How do your family's interests or hobbies align with your own, and how do they differ?
  • If you could instantly become an expert in any skill or hobby, what would it be?
  • You have only 60 seconds before the world is nuked, how are you spending the last minute of your life?
  • Do you ever think about having kids?
  • What role does gratitude play in your life, and how do you practice it?
  • What is your favorite type of pizza?
  • What's the most important lesson you've learned from a friendship?

Main Topics

  • What chores do you hate doing?
  • Did you have to do chores for your parents when you were young?
  • Should children receive an allowance for doing their chores?
  • Are you a tidy person?
  • Do you ever procrastinate chores you need to do?
  • How do you stay organized?
  • Do you keep a to-do list?
  • What are your best productivity tips?

Free Topics

  • When is the last time you had to speak in public? How nervous were you?
  • Have you ever had a personal experience that you believe could be classified as paranormal? If so, can you describe it?
  • What is the smallest thing for which you are grateful?
  • What would you change if you could go back a few years in time?
  • What's your opinion on marriage?
  • If you could be any mythical creature, which one would you be and why?
  • What is your favorite type of food?
  • What are your thoughts on the role of journalism in promoting democracy?