Ice Breaking Topics
- Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? Why?
- What was the happiest time in your life? Why was it so happy?
- If you could have dinner with any three people, living or dead, who would you choose and why?
- What is a common first date like in your country?
- How do holidays and festivals differ in your country or culture compared to other places?
- What makes a friend into a good friend?
- Should/would you forgive a partner who cheated?
- If you could decide the day of your death, when would it be?
Main Topics
- Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
- Have you ever found any money? If so, what did you do with it?
- Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
- Are you a frugal person?
- Does your language have any idioms about money?
- Is it common to haggle in your country?
- Time is money. Do you agree or disagree?
- Do you consider consumerism good or bad?
Free Topics
- What are birthdays like in your country?
- What makes you feel really alive?
- Who is your favorite poet and why do their works resonate with you?
- What's your favorite childhood memory?
- What do you think is better- being the oldest, middle, or youngest child in a family?
- Do you want to get surprised on your birthdays?
- Are you an altruistic person?
- How do you think we can address the issue of income inequality in different countries?