Linux CPU使用率采集程序编写

引言(Introduction):从基础概念出发,手把手抒写Linux CPU采集程序,并在后面的一个章节里简述经常出现的问题。本文主要环境以centos 7 上进行的一系列研究,其他版本Linux可能会有些出路,但总体思路不变。

1 基础概念(Basic Concept)

1.1 Linux /proc/stat文件介绍 (Linux /proc/stat File Introduce)



        前面几列以cpu开头的每个逻辑cpu的单独情况,从序号0开始,往后递增,而第一行,无序号的,为总情况,这些数据都是以clock_tick为单位记录的,这里的clock_tick在绝大多数机器上是1/100秒即10ms。对于特定的机器可以通过sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)函数来获得clock_tick(ps: 这个函数属于linux内核中unistd.h文件中提供的方法,运行前需包含该库文件);即前五行所表示的是:总CPU使用情况,和该机器的4颗逻辑CPU的分别情况。其他的具体的每一列信息为:

    cpu user nice system idle iowait irq softirq steal guest guest_nice


        user: 用户态的CPU时间。(Time spent in user mode)

        nice: 低优先级程序所占用的用户态的cpu时间。(Time spent in user mode with low priority(nice))

        system: 系统态的CPU时间。(Time spent in system mode)

        idle: CPU空闲的时间,不包含IO等待。(Time spent in the idle task. This value should be USER_HZ times the second entry in the/proc/uptime pseudo-file.)

        iowait: 等待IO响应的时间。(Time waiting for I/O to complete. This value is not reliable.)

        irq: 处理硬件中断的时间。(Time servicing interrupts)

        softirq: 处理软中断的时间。(Time servicing softirqs)

        steal: 其他系统所花的时间。(Stolen time, which is the time spent in other operating systems when running in a virtualized environment)

        guest: 运行时间为客户操作系统下的虚拟CPU控制。(Time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel)

        guest_nice: 低优先级程序所占用的用户态的cpu时间。(Time spent running a niced guest ,virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel)


        intr:系统启动以来的所有interrupts的次数情况,每个数对应一个特定的中断自系统启动以来所发生的次数,可参考/proc/interrupt。(This line shows counts of interrupts serviced since boot time, for each of the possible system interrupts. The first column is the total of all interrupts serviced including unnumbered architecture specific interrupts; each subsequent column is the total for that particular numbered interrupt. Unnumbered interrupts are not shown, only summed into the total.)

        ctxt: 系统上下文切换次数。(The number of context switches that the system underwent.)

        btime:启动时长(单位:秒),从Epoch(即1970零时)开始到系统启动所经过的时长,每次启动会改变。(boot time, in seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).)

        processes:系统启动后所创建过的进程数量。(Number of forks since boot.)

        procs_running:处于Runnable状态的进程个数.(Number of processes in runnable state. (Linux 2.5.45 onward.))

        procs_blocked:处于等待I/O完成的进程个数。(Number of processes blocked waiting for I/O to complete.)

        softirq:软中断情况,第一列表示所有CPU的软中断总和,其他的几列表示特定的软中断情况,具体参考/proc/softirq(This line shows the number of softirq for all CPUs. The first column is the total of all softirqs and each subsequent column is the total for particular softirq.)

1.2 CPU计算公式 (CPU Compute Formula)




        /proc/stat时间一直在累积,所以可以在该秒获取该文件内容后,sleep 1000 下一秒再获取该文件内容,按照对应公式,即可得出该秒内CPU的平均时间情况。

2 实现说明 (Implement)




3 可能存在的问题说明 (Possible Problems)

3.1 重启后导致CPU利用率不准确 (Reboot Make CPU Percent Incorrect)



3.2 快照恢复后导致CPU利用率不准确 (Snapshot Make CPU Percent Incorrect)



4 展示图